Author Archives: Jonathan Cloud

It Will Not Be the Same

From: Erickson, Mitchell <>
Date: Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 7:34 PM
Subject: Jersey shore video–Sandy+3months

3 months ago, Sandy rocked our lives.

This essay is a  moving reflection on the character of the Jersey shore and the prospects for restoration.  People who are committed, or not…  A recognition that it will not be the same.  A hope that it will not become “anyplace USA”.
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Critical Shore Recovery Info & Resources

Amongst many other sources:
Links & Info Regarding Recovering from Hurricane Sandy for Jersey Residents
This website is updated several times [a] week. Please visit again for *NEW* or recently *Updated* information. Click on links below to view more information.
*NEW* Advisory Flood Maps for Rebuilding Now Available
*NEW* FEMA: Looking looking for different living arrangements other than with family or friends? FEMA may be able to help.
Jan. 30, 2013 FEMA Registration Deadline for N.J. Hurricane Sandy Survivors


Sierra Club Sandy Updates

The NJ Sierra Club‘s Jeff Tittle has written a series of perceptive blog posts about Sandy for; leaving aside his frequent criticisms of Governor Christie, here are some key excerpts that mostly just lay out the facts:

November 5, 2012: Climate Change Makes Storms like Hurricane Sandy Worse

…This is the ninth such devastating storm to hit the Garden State in the last five years and the impacts of climate change will only make such storms worse.  We have had hurricanes and Halloween snow storms.  There have been too many coincidences.  You cannot deny that climate disruption is a factor and it is impacting New Jersey.

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Regenerative Community Ventures, Inc.

Regenerative Community Ventures, Inc., a licensee of Unified Field Corporation, engages communities in processes that lead to economic, environmental, social and cultural resilience. UFC has developed a “sustainable community partnership development model” that helps keep local dollars working locally through profitable projects that provide more sustainable ways of living and strengthen local economies.

What We Do

  1. We  plan, fund and implement high impact local projects, providing the capital and expertise to help communities rebuild sustainably — to become more resilient, more self-sufficient in energy and infrastructure, and help restore the strength of local economies, creating jobs and economic opportunity.
  2. We build the community’s grass roots funding potential and help to keep local money working locally.
  3. We apply these principles as a demonstration of sustainable local whole systems economics within an application for permission to organize and operate a locally owned Unified Field Bank™
  4. We bring together experts in sustainability, business development, finance, green building, permaculture, renewable energy, energy and environmental conservation, and community development.
  5. As a social enterprise, we bring together the resources of the private sector — the strength of innovation and entrepreneurship, the power of private capital and of business acumen — with planners, community leaders, and local, state, and federal officials, to make things happen quickly while taking into account the long-run objectives of resilience, self-sufficiency, and sustainable development.

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The Wake-Up Call

For many on the East Coast, Hurricane Sandy was a wake-up call, on several levels.

For one thing, it made it very clear just where we are most vulnerable: along the coasts, particularly, but also far inland in our electrical grid and in our distribution of food and fuel and the other necessities of life, such as hot water.

It also served to re-open, in the waning days of the Presidential campaign, the much-avoided discussion of climate change. Though there was some scientific debate as to whether the severity, or the unusual path, of the storm was attributable in any way to global warming, there was no doubt that the sea-level rise of about a foot in the last century was an exacerbating factor, especially in the flooding of New York’s subways and tunnels.

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