Category Archives: CRCS

Crowdfunding for PACE in New Jersey

JCloudStorerSmThe challenges we face in New Jersey as a result of climate change are significant, and so therefore are the opportunities. The experience of Superstorm Sandy showed us just how ill-prepared we are for the more frequent recurrence of extreme weather; and how important it is that we set an example for taking action to mitigate our own greenhouse gas emissions, as other states are doing around us. And there’s also no doubt about the urgency of it — as you can see from this remarkable video:
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Get a Sneak Preview of Our NJPACE Crowdfunding Campaign

NJPACEOrg-logoDG-MakeaDonationWe’re doing something that seems almost counter-intuitive: we’re asking you, and hundreds of other ordinary people, to donate money to an unusual kind of charity, to help us start what should result in a major economic boost to New Jersey.

This is a way of doing something about climate change that’s significant, personal and concrete. It’s significant because this program will remove millions of tons of carbon pollution each year. It’s personal because we’re cleaning up New Jersey (or, the planet, if you don’t live in NJ). And it’s concrete because this effort will create tons of jobs as energy efficient and renewable energy systems are installed.

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Vote for Our Entry to the Climate Colab Competition

6Bbar_mk_400x400For the past several months, we’ve been working with a hydrogeological engineer and climate scientist in Australia, Dr. Delton Chen. Delton is the lead author on a remarkable proposal to address the problem of climate change via the use of a global alternative currency designed to support the mitigation of climate pollution through an incentive rather than a tax or cap-and-trade system.


Click to view & support proposal

Delton approached us to sponsor his year-long project to develop a practical global policy response to the failure of the international community to agree on a strategy for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Dubbed G4CM, for “Global Complementary Currencies for Carbon Mitigation,” the core of the proposal has now been put forward in multiple venues, even while some of the technical details are still be worked through with a team of international economists and climate experts. One of these venues is the Climate Colab, a project of the MIT Center for Intelligence, “a crowdsourcing platform where citizens work with experts and each other to create, analyze, and select detailed proposals for what to do about climate change.”

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A Sneak Peek at Our New Crowdfunding Campaign

You can get sneak preview of our crowdfunding campaign at If you’d really like to support us, the best way to do this is to create a personal fundraiser page. You’ll be invited to import your contacts, which will begin to make this go viral… And stay tuned: we’ll be launching the campaign officially next week.

2013 Annual Report


Our 2013 Annual Report is designed to convey our vision, and provide an account of the progress we have made toward achieving that vision, in developing the NJPACE program in New Jersey. (Click the title of this entry for a link to the fully report.)

End of Year Appeal

We’ve been working towards sustainability in New Jersey for many years.

We just received Federal IRS 501(c)(3) status as a nonprofit charity. Now, we’re asking for your tax deductible contribution.

We’ve worked for 2 years on our current project, New Jersey PACE (NJPACE), which will dramatically lower NJ’s carbon footprint while creating local jobs and saving property owners money. While NJPACE will be self-supporting over the long term, we are committed to raising $350,000 to ensure its success. Read about what NJ and other states are doing at
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1st Annual Year-End Appeal

Now that we have our 501c3 designation, we’re asking for your financial support. We have just a couple of days for you to make a tax-free contribution this year, so we’d like to suggest that you do so as a way of expressing your faith, your commitment, and your support of our mission.

We’re not just about a good idea whose time has come. We’re about making it a reality here in New Jersey, and in doing so transform our built environment. And this is the ideal place to do it — an older northeastern state, with many declining cities and older suburbs, and enormous opportunities for revitalization. So we’ve put more an enormous effort over the past year into developing a state-wide NJPACE program, and bringing PACE to a number of specific New Jersey communities in 2014.

But we can’t do this alone. We created the Center for Regenerative Community Solutions to be the nonprofit umbrella for the education, the development of tools and alliances, and the administration of this program, so that the industry, the property owners, the lenders, and the municipalities could take advantage of the benefits that NJPACE offers them. Our goal is to raise $350,000 in order to create this opportunity for our state, as other groups are doing elsewhere in the country.
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CRCS / New Jersey PACE Receives 501c3 Designation

The IRS has just issued its letter approving our request for 501c3 tax exemption, which now makes it possible for us to accept (and issue receipts for) tax-deductible donations, apply for foundation grants, and conduct other fundraising activities. CRCS, the parent organization for the nonprofit New Jersey PACE program, is now ready to undertake its first administrative and educational initiatives on behalf of municipalities in New Jersey. (For more details on NJPACE, please visit

Many organizations may take this approval for granted, but since we worked pretty hard to get it we do not. The process of obtaining the IRS approval included an intensive discussion of our goals and methods of operation. Here’s part of what we told them, by way of a description of our mission and purposes.

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CRCS Develops New Jersey PACE Program

Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) financing is a mechanism that allows energy efficiency and renewable energy projects to be financed at reasonable rates. PACE works by attaching a special assessment to the property, not a liability to the owner. The funding is then repaid over the life of the installed equipment, anywhere from 5 – 20 years. Using a property tax assessment has many benefits:

  • The senior position allows lenders to offer low interest rates because the property is collateral, not the installed equipment.
  • Energy efficiency upgrades and renewable energy installations have been hindered by high up-front costs. PACE financing spreads the cost over the useful life of the equipment, which provides savings that exceed cost on an annual basis.
  • The obligation is attached to the property, not the owner, making it easy to invest in energy projects even if the owner plans on selling the property.

PACE is clearly a practical example of a “regenerative community solution”: it creates jobs, energy efficiency, and sustainable improvements to property, especially the enormous amount of commercial and industrial property now vacant or underutilized in New Jersey. We’ve chosen to focus our efforts on C&I properties, but we anticipate that residential PACE will be reinstated federally as well. (For an explanation of the issues with Residential PACE, see “National groups submit more than 38000 comments on residential-pace,” at our NJ PACE  web site,

CRCS has devised and developed the NJ PACE program as a statewide public-private-nonprofit initiative. The program requires municipal approval, along with the participation of private lenders, energy contractors, and property owners. The Center views it as an integral part of its mission to educate, advocate, and implement this kind of program, which once launched will be managed by a separate company, NJ PACE, LLC (with 20% of profits returned to the nonprofit entity).

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Greystone Proposal

Along with a number of other colleagues we submitted a proposal to the State to redevelop the historic Greystone Psychiatric Hospital site in Parsippany. Here is our proposal as submitted: