Landmark Graduate Stewardship Council

1/15/2015: It has taken me a few days, but here’s a brief summary of our meeting / call last Saturday, and a link to the call recording. I’ve listened to about 2/3 of it, and the quality is surprisingly good — much better than I expected — so I invite you to sample it if you missed the meeting.

A lot of folks I hoped would be there couldn’t make it, so we’re rescheduling the next session to a Thursday evening — February 19 from 7-9 p.m. — so I hope you can join us. The conversation last Saturday was very positive, and we’re moving forward to the next stage, which includes meeting with the incoming Center manager, other tenants, and the property manager (just let me know if you’d like to join me for these meetings).

I’m also planning to join the calls / meetings of several assisting groups, such as the Course Supervisors, for a few minutes each time to generate further interest, and I invite you to forward this to anyone else you think might be interested in becoming involved. (If you are the leader of one of these groups, please let me know the schedule, so that I can join in person or on the phone — thanks.)

The attached included a slightly revised agenda for next time as well as a summary of Saturday’s meeting. I hope to speak with many of you before that, and to hear from you by email about your interests and availability. Please feel free to call me at 908-581-8418 if I don’t reach you.

Meeting report: LandmarkGraduate StewardshipCouncil-Report10Jan2015.pages (PDF)

Call recording:

1/7/2015: The first meeting is scheduled for Saturday, January 10, 2015, from 3-5 p.m. at the South Plainfield Center. Here is the proposed agenda: LandmarkGraduate StewardshipCouncil-Agenda1-10-15

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